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Baseball is in full swing for Miniota youth

Miniota & Isabella news May 14-20


Hoping everyone had a chance to enjoy the May long weekend between the rain showers!

Congratulations to Ty McKenzie, Jaxon Lelond, Maddox Couvier, Aiden Lewis and their baseball coach Trevor Lewis of the Birtle Collegiate Falcons team on their win against the Russell Collegiate team. Good luck in the Zone finals.

Word has been received of the death of Rev. John Sloan through the United Church magazine.  Rev. Sloan served the Arrow River, Beulah, Isabella and Miniota Pastoral Charge from 1962-1965, and he and his family lived in the manse in Miniota.

Trudy Watters enjoyed a visit from her granddaughter Emily Watters along with Emily’s aunt Karen Koehli-Kozack. They were enroute home to Camrose, Alta. from Buffalo, New York where Emily attends the University of Buffalo and plays softball with the Buffalo Bulls. They also visited with great-grandma Mae Watters, Lori and Raegan Miller and Marco Ryden, as well as stopping in to visit Allan and Linda Wotten at Birtle.

“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.”  -Lucille Ball

Isabella News

Sympathy is extended to Hazel Wall and her family on the death of her brother-in-law Don Sherwin of Brandon. We extend sympathy also to Louise Wall Sherwin, and her sons Greg and Cory and their families on the loss of her dear husband, their dad and grandpa.

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